The 5 Basics of Boxing | Things Your Coach Will Always Tell You To Work On

1. Don’t Drop Your Shield

    In the heat of the ring, keeping your hands up is more than just a piece of advice

    It's a crucial aspect of defense that can mean the difference between victory and defeat. 

    As the rounds go on and fatigue sets in, it's tempting to let your guard down. However, this habit, even though it might seem harmless in training, can spell disaster in a real fight. 

    While sparring with friends and wearing those 16oz gloves might make it seem less important, remember that when facing actual opponents with the standard 12oz gloves, 

    Dropping your guard makes your face, free real estate.

    Whether you're engaged in bag work, shadow boxing, or partner drills, maintaining your guard position becomes a foundational skill that translates directly to the ring. 

    By developing the muscle memory to keep your hands up, you create a protective shield against incoming strikes, giving you more time to react and counter. 

    So, even in the midst of exhaustion, remind yourself that this simple practice can be the key to maintaining your defense and ensuring you're ready for any challenge that comes your way.

    Never Drop Your Defence | BoxRope

    2. You Can Always Go For A Run

    Though it might not be the most exciting aspect of training, focusing on your fitness can greatly enhance your boxing performance. 

    While perfecting your technique is essential, fatigue can quickly erode even the most polished skills. 

    When exhaustion takes over, your technique might falter, leaving you to rely solely on your instincts and physical conditioning. This is where the importance of sparring fitness truly shines.

    Dedicating time to conditioning, including roadwork and cardio exercises, significantly boosts your stamina, allowing you to maintain your technique and strategic thinking even when you're tired. 

    Think of your fitness regimen as the foundation that supports your technical prowess. By consistently working on your endurance, you'll ensure that your movements remain sharp and precise throughout the entire match, giving you a distinct advantage over opponents who neglect this crucial aspect of training.

    3. The Most Fundamental Punch In Boxing

    The Jab | BoxRope

    The jab, often referred to as the "bread and butter" of boxing, is a punch that can shape the course of a fight.

    It's not just about establishing distance or setting up combinations; a well-executed jab can keep your opponent off balance and open up opportunities for your other punches. 

    Some of the most iconic bouts in boxing history have showcased the power of a strategic jab. A great example of this is the most recent historical bout, Spence vs. Crawford.

    Fun Fact* One interesting pattern among boxers with exceptional jabs is that they actually injured their right hand at one point in their career

    For instance, consider the story of Tony Jeffries, who, due to an injury in his right hand, could only throw punches with his left hand. 

    Due to this, he decided to devote himself to improving his jab

    This dedication ultimately paid off with Olympic success and an undefeated professional career. While intentionally injuring yourself isn't advisable, the lesson here is to emphasize the importance of the jab in your training.

    Train your jab as if it were your most potent weapon. By perfecting the jab, you ensure that you always have a reliable tool at your disposal, capable of dictating the rhythm of a fight and setting the stage for your other punches.

    4. The Most Fundamental Defense In Boxing

    Basic Defense Boxing

    Defense is an art in boxing, and one of the most fundamental defensive tactics is moving out of harm's way after delivering a punch. 

    It might seem like a straightforward concept, but in the midst of a fight, the simple act of stepping back can be your saving grace. 

    When your opponent is about to launch an attack, creating distance through a quick step back can make their strikes fall short, leaving you unscathed.

    Timing is crucial here. Stepping back precisely when your opponent is about to strike denies them the opportunity to counter effectively. 

    With a well-timed retreat, you gain precious seconds to regain your stance and assess the situation. 

    This defensive maneuver becomes even more essential when fatigue sets in, 

    Because it's easy to do it when you’re fresh and ready 

    But the practice needs to come when you’re tired and sweaty when your legs are wobbly and every breath feels like your drawing air from an in-furnace 

    That is when you need to be able to execute this defensive maneuver 

    By practicing moving out after your punch in less-than-ideal conditions, you'll develop the muscle memory and composure needed to execute this crucial defense flawlessly during the heat of battle.

    5. Using Your Head

    This is by far the most important item on this list. 

    Can you sit down in a quiet place after sparring and genuinely ask yourself?

    “What do I need to do in order to do better”

    No music, No social media, and no phone 

    Just you in your own thoughts wondering what it is that you need to do in order to improve.

    Is it something on this list?

    Is it everything on this list?

    There is always going to be something that you could have done in your training session for a more ideal result

    But the hard part is figuring out exactly what that hard part is

    Because at first, you may say to yourself “I wasn’t jabbing enough”

    But then you need to break down the problem and say “Why wasn’t I jabbing enough”

    Were you too tired to jab?

    Were you too hesitant to jab?

    Were you trying too hard to see the perfect jab?

    My point is that you can’t just come up with a surface-level problem and call it a day because that won't fix anything 

    The deeper you go into understanding and finding the route of the problem

    The quicker you will be able to find the most effective solution to solve the problem

    This is the thing that leads to the biggest improvement in your boxing skills, especially if you apply it over a long period of time

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